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Kuchidomeryou (Subheim)

Submitted by: | 15.06.2012no comment | 239 views

Subheim написал великолепный саундтрек к короткометражному фильму Kuchidomeryou. Этот фильм был снят во время путешествия по Японии спустя год после катастрофы на АЭС Фукусима.

Kuchidomeryou is a short-film recorded during my journeys in Honshū (Japan) about a year after the catastrophe of Fukushima. It aims to reflect the life and the atmosphere out there: These normal/abnormal situations… and these constant heavy silences.
This short film is a little contribution to support the Japanese people in this frightening situation and a message to maintain the idea that we have to think about renewable energies.
How many nuclear accidents, dead or ill people will it take before admitting the danger of nuclear power?